Monday, February 1, 2016

Insourcing value in the home...

Good morning everyone, and Happy February!

I adore February. We have 5 birthdays this month, not including my own, and it means I have a month of planning and creating birthday cakes. I can't wait! This year will be a year for fairy tale castles, tie dye fondant in vivid colours, giant peonies, cherubs and daisies. I'm not sure I can do it, but I'm going to give it one heck of a try!

This week I generated over $1000 worth of value for my family and friends, even though I was sick. And for those of you who doubt this sum, I double dog dare you to price some of the pretties I came up with this week!

I made a silk tulle bridal veil in softest ivory, stitching the sequins you see above like droplets, to tone with her baby blue gown. I'll photograph it when the 'bride' is finished with it. I saved her $280. 

I catered a lunch for ten theatre friends for under $100. We savoured slow roasted lamb shoulder, Greek chicken pie, salad greens, apricot Eton Mess, and a fab cheese platter in the cool of our air conditioned lounge room, while the Queensland Summer slugged us with 36C+ temperatures outside. Many laughs were had, and don't you always feel good after an afternoon with friends? A similar lunch for 10 would have had to be over $350 at even a casual bistro. So I'm callling that a value of $250 after expenses.

I made some posies as welcome back gifts for teachers. I spent $20 on the flowers, and used greenery from the garden. I managed five posies for that, and modelled them on ones I saw at the Florist warehouse that were priced at $25 each. So that's a value of $105 after expenses.

I added three newly made candles in cut glass sugar bowls to my gift stash. Each of these would sell, I estimate, for around $55 retail. My sugar bowls were under $1 each, and the candle making supplies were $45. So for less than the price of one, I've made three. A value of $117 after purchase of the wax and so forth. A post coming up on those, so you'll have to wait for the pretty photos!

I cleaned and cooked and made school lunches, which I always think generates a value, if it had to be outsourced for whatever reason, of at least $300. So I'm adding that in too. Why wouldn't I?

I was on a bit of a creative roll, but whilst the mind was willing, the body was saying SLEEP! So sleep I did. I'm raring to go now, though so wait till you see what gets done this week!

That's a value of $1052 for me this week. 

What value can you place on what you did last week? Come on. As the advertisement're worth it.

P.S. Thankyou all from the bottom of my heart for your outpouring of affection and support over the weekend, following my exit from Simple Savings. I will respond to everyone who commented here or emailed me privately, over the next few days. I am both enormously flattered and completely humbled by your heartfelt good wishes. For those of you who know me through here, A Tray of Bliss, do not be alarmed. Nothing has changed. Love, Mimi xxx

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  1. What a profitable week you had Mimi! I'll be posting mine tomorrow on my blog, my totals aren't as high as yours but I'm pleased. I will be anxiously awaiting your post on the candles and cut glass bowls!

    1. Thanks Patsy! I think you will love the candles ;-) Mimi xxx

  2. Fantastic way to save money. Your projects are so gorgeous and inspire me, although I do not have all of your talents. Due to my disability, I don't do much,so can't attribute any savings to me. Unless, you want to count tracking down budget buys for groceries and any other purchases made.

    1. Dearest Jan. I know you have your limitations. But everyone can do something. What about making simple greeting cards with cardstock and beautiful magazine images? Or stamping plain white paper with purchased rubber stamps and coloured ink to make your own giftwrap? Those are two things I've almost always done that cost next to nothing yet save me so much. Sometimes the wrap and the card cost more than the gift! So making your own saves so much. Not only that, but as Annabel will tell you, a gift of giftwrap and cards saves others on spending too. Yes! Count tracking down your grocery bargains. That IS a saving for sure! And congrats on cleaning the linen cupboard too! Love, Mimi xxx

    2. Thanks Mimi. I do make cards and my kids are always asking me to make one for them for a friend, or baby or what ever. :)

  3. You should count cleaning and cooking as money you saved! I love hearing about all of your projects you make and sell. And, how exciting to have 5 cakes to make in February! I am sure they will all turn out lovely!


    1. Lol Carrie. For sure! The cakes will be fun and I'll be sure to share them with you at Creative Corner...Love, Mimi xxx

  4. Hi Mimi

    Well what a profit you made for yourself over the last few days.

    Mine was not so profitable as we have had to run our air con pretty much constantly since last Thursday as it has been exceptionally hot here not only during the days but the nights also.

    You talk about school lunches. I make DD5 her lunch every day except when tuckshop is open which is 2 days a week, but I am so lucky and very grateful that I do not have to pay for her lunches as I run the tuckshop and as it is not a paid position (well except for some petrol) this is a wonderful saving for us. I do however limit was she can have as I don't want to take advantage of this situation. It usually saves me around $10 to $14 per week.

    I have also found a way that stops my vegetable going off at a small cost of around $4 you can buy special bags to put fruit and veg in. I did a test with some of the tuckshop items last year and found that some items lasted up to 21 days in these bags where as before I was lucky if I got 4 or 5 days.

    Having been following you for years I have many a recipe from you that goes into lunch boxes. Sometimes it can be difficult as DD5 has so many allergies and some of the items I buy to make food tastier can be a bit more pricey but this is a sacrifice I am willing to make. What I did last year was put away $10 each week and organised a party in November to be able to do a tasting at our house and others were so interested that I broke the ladies sales record by almost $300 and got well over $200 worth for free and my items I purchased were half price for the majority of them.

    Hope you are feeling a little better today and having a rest as you said you had been unwell.

    Aly xxx

    1. Dear Aly, yes the heat has been awful and we've done the same. But you know, it means we can retain our energy levels and save the family in other ways. If the air con is on, we remain cool and active and can cook the meals, clean the house, or use our skills to find other ways to save money. If we're too hot to do anything other than 'blob' as a friend of ours says...then we're not going to cook, clean or do anything much at all. And we all know there's a cost when that happens...takeaway is not cheap! So don't beat yourself up on that one. That's a great little money saver running the tuckshop! And good for the heart and soul to give back to the school community too. I know those bags. Aren't they brilliant! As for the party, well, what a bonus. I am feeling much better today...on all counts. Thankyou so much for the comment and support. ;-) Much Love, Mimi xxx

  5. You are so very inspiring !

    1. Thankyou Annette. What a lovely thing to say. Mimi xxx

  6. Dear Mimi
    I am glad to read that you are feeling a lot better after being unwell last week and what happened over the weekend.

    I am green with envy - my husband refuses to have air conditioning, he maintains that the ceiling fans are enough but I hope that a couple of nights with very disturbed sleep will change his mind.

    Last night was a shocker.

    I haven't been working on my insourcing values lately, been too busy trying to deal with the heat (and no we haven't had takeaway), helping our daughter pack up and get her things stored in our shed and also recover from having laser eye surgery has taken up most of our time.

    Her job is now based on the Gold Coast.

    I have gone back to monthly grocery shopping - trying to do a fortnightly shop over the past 6 or so months when the company changed from monthly to fortnightly pays has not been working. This way I can do the shop when I am out and not do a special trip.

    Tomorrow I will be out near the larger shopping centre so I have my list ready to take with me.

    I love the sound of all of your February items to come. The veil sounds dreamy.



    1. Dear Lynette. You've had a lot on your plate, so don't worry about tallying your value. I KNOW your value, and it's off the scale...Mimi xxx

  7. Mimi glad you are feeling better. I am in the middle of renovations so lifr is pretty messy. Can't wait till it's all done and I can begin to make my home feel like home again.

    1. Thanks Cat. I know that feeling. Oh the dust, and the mayhem! But won't home be all the more special for it. Love, Mimi xxx

  8. Mimi,
    Just saying Hello from the both of us.
    W & P

    1. Hi Gran. I'm so pleased to see you! Thankyou for the visit. I miss you terribly. Mimi xxx

  9. Hello Mimi,
    Just a note to say hello.
    W & P

  10. I hope you realise how much those humble chalkies would adore their little Welcome Back posies; that in itself is priceless. Just saying. Love your work. So many nice things to think about!

    1. Flora, I know they do. They deserve it. Thankyou. Mimi xxx

  11. Dear Mimi, I cant wait to see the up coming cakes. And I love the sound of the veil and the bride wearing pale blue! That sounds truly heavenly.
    Also I was thinking the ladies lunch would have easily cost that plus more I think.
    My savings were more basic but still good ie doing my own painting, Andy cleaned the yard and gutters and so on. If we paid for it all it would be ridiculously expensive. I did make bubble bath as you reminded me about that! Also still hand rolling hems on hankies...
    Plus as Vicky does I added up my months savings and showed my husband. He was really thrilled and said no wonder we have it so good! I felt happy too that we got ahead in small ways in January and off to a good start.
    I am so glad you are feeling much better. Onward and upward from here! With. Love,

    1. Dear Annabel, I think you will LOVE the cakes. I hope so. And the bride was gorgeous. Just beautiful. You are just a hive of activity with painting and refreshing there, and that is certainly something we need to get on to! How could Andy NOT be thrilled with what you save him. He's a clever man to have you as his wife ;-) Love, Mimi xxx

  12. Loving your inspiration my friend! Have a beautiful "Tray of Bliss" week! Lynn

    1. Dear Lynn, thankyou sweetness! Have a lovely week there too. Mimi xxx

  13. Wow! What a great week you had! I can't wait for the tutorial and pictures of your candles. I intend to have a craft binge once we're done working on the house.

    Blessings, Leigh

    1. Leigh, you put me to shame with some of your weeks! But thankyou anyway. Love, Mimi xxx

  14. Hi Mimi.
    This is Farmer Susy. I hope this reaches you ok as I've never commented on a blog before. I'm also on my smart phone as our internet is down due to all the storms and bad weather we are having.
    Wishing you my very very best wishes and I will be following your blog with excitement. I hope you're going ok. I'm looking forward to lots of happy reading as I explore your blog when I can hop on my ipad again!!! Apparently we live too far out woop woop for our technology to work when it rains!!
    Anyway, much love from me xx

    1. Farmer Susy! How lovely that you've found your way to me! I'm thrilled to see you. Believe it or not, our technology is patchy in wet weather too, and we live in the '! I look forward to having you visit. Much Love, Mimi xxx

  15. Hello Mimi.
    I'm trying this again as I'm not sure if my first comment was successful or not!!
    I hope you are doing ok and we all thinking of you and missing you.
    I'm looking forward to exploring your blog very much when our internet connection is restored.
    In the meantime be kind to yourself and continue to be true to yourself and your gorgeous family.
    Farmer Susy xx

    1. Gotcha twice Susy. No prob. I manually moderate ALL comments so if you post during the day, I publish them fairly quickly. If you post at night our time, it make take up to 10 hours before your comments appear. Just so you know. It keeps things 'nice' here. Love, Mimi xxx

  16. Oh my goodness, you always seem to have the most interesting and fascinating weeks, Mimi. How I would love to be a fly on the wall in your lovely home witnessing all those gorgeous activities you wrap yourself in. I can't wait to see the bridal sounds like a dream. Xx

    1. Lol Kim. Hardly anywhere near as exciting as yours my lovely! Those hexagon quilts are to die for. I couldn't do it! Yes, I try hard to fill my life with loveliness. Else what is the point of life? Much love, Mimi xxx

  17. I don't doubt this value at all! Especially when you put your whole heart into your home! And let me say, your food list sounds so sophisticated! I am sure the girls enjoyed it very much!

    1. JES, not sophisticated at all. Just good, home cooked food, presented with love. That's all we need, isn't it. Someday maybe I'll cook for you. Isn't that a lovely dream? Love, Mimi xxx

  18. Mimi, it is too hot to work out how much money I have saved as my brain is mush. Does putting up with fans blowing around hot air and not buying aircon count? LOL!

    1. Chel. TELL me about it! Phew. What the heck? Bring on the Autumn breezes! Yep, I reckon fans instead of air con, counts big time. You must be a saint. I'm not turning mine off for a second. Love, Mimi xxx

  19. It feels good, doesn't it? Due to some disability issues I have I really can't contribute too much here in my home although I do make nutritious meals and help out when I can. Hubby painted the kitchen-dining rooms last week which certainly helped save the cost of a professional coming in. That was always my job but he has learned and is doing great. You always share some great tips. Thank you!


    1. Dearest Sandi. Gosh. The things we don't know about each other! I hope your disability issues do not limit you too much. Clearly they don't limit your ability to spread sunshine. What a love your man is to spend his time painting. Professional painting is expensive and it's such a simple job, if time consuming! Yay for hubby. Much Love, Mimi xxx

  20. Dear Mimi,

    Must say I'm feeling quite refreshed & happy to be following your blog & have signed up for new posts to come into my email box (did this for Annabel as well), can't believe I never realised it was an option, LOL. I think the blog shows your style better with the added photos & being able to speak more freely ;) so I'm sure I will be visiting often & contributing more. Also hoping for your enthusiasm to rub off & give me lots of ideas.

    Onwards & upwards dear Mimi, I think a lot of SS ladies will be joining you more from here on in. Love & hugs, Susan. xx

    1. Susan, thankyou. I always feel more like myself here too. Onwards and upwards indeed my lovely. Thankyou for your kind words, your support, and for following me ALL the way over here ;-) Much love, Mimi xxx

  21. Hi Mimi. Only thing that I can think of is making 20 x 500ml jars of relish over the weekend with everything from my garden and pantry. Had no ezi sauce so googled the ingredients and made my own knock off version. Miss you heaps but can follow you here!

    1. Nicole, I will forever remember that little package you sent me years ago. I have no doubt that your relish and ezi sauce are a treat. Sending you the hugs as I always have, that you so richly deserve. Much love, Mimi xxx

  22. Wow...what a great post! :) I always love reading about your adventures and tips!

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!

  23. You always share such great ideas and tips for saving money!
    Thanks for sharing at Cooking and Crafting with J&J!
    Enjoy the weekend.


I love hearing from you! I always respond to comments, so don't be shy! Mimi xxx
