What a moment in history we are all living through...I'm baking endless miles of Jam Crostadas to cope....
Just 4 months ago, we were on the trip of a lifetime.
New York, Paris, Nice, Singapore.
Never for a moment, did we imagine that we were escaping a global Pandemic by a whisker, or that our travel plans for the future would be in disarray.

Just six months ago, my son married his long time sweetheart.
Two months ago, I celebrated my sixtieth birthday, and I had a loooong list of 60 things to do when I'm 60, that I've never done before.
That list is now reduced to "Spend 60 days at home with nobody but Musician Husband and Diva Daughter to keep me company".
Actually...that is probably the accomplishment to trump all accomplishments.
I don't know about you, but I'm finding that bulk time 'en famille' can be challenging.
Three wilful adults in a household together is fine when it's a hour here, and a weekend there, and other stuff in between.
But lemme tell you....the home grown Lavender is getting a workout. Breeeeeathe….Peeeeeace...Inhaaaaaale...Exhaaaale...
Of course, working from home arrangements are another challenge.
Thank goodness for my new home office. What do you think of my secretary? She's a bossy little minx. Thinks she can sit in my chair, but not do the work. Another challenge.
Meanwhile, chandeliers at the Lido entry have been replaced by thrifted ones in our entry...$60 if you please. And all husbands own work. It was a tangled nightmare when we got it.
The city of Nice and it's beautiful scenery...
...and Laduree in the First Arondissement in Paris…
...and the Azure blue of the Mediterranean ocean...
...and Princess Graces garden in Monaco...
….and the Chocolate Shop in Old Town Nice...
….are but fond memories.
Frankly, we feast upon them. Memories of good times are what holds us together in times of difficulty.
I know of two families who are sadly, contemplating divorce, due to this enforced togetherness we are now so commanded to conduct. It's tough. We've had our moments, Lord knows.
We've had to sit down and have some very uncomfortable conversations around household responsibilities and personal space, and mutual respect. ALL of us.
The thing is though, our mantra has been 'Be Kind'. In all that we are doing, we are keeping that mantra foremost in our minds. It's standing us in good stead.
If home life 'en famille' is getting the better of you, perhaps a family conversation will be useful for you too.
Here's how:
1. Be clear about what you want from the conversation.
2. Give everyone else 48 hours notice of said conversation. Ask them to air their grievances too.
3. No insulting, no ridiculing, no yelling allowed.
4. Lists are good.
5. Allow each person to have their say without interruption.
6. Have a 'talking stick' if necessary. The person holding the stick, is the only one allowed to talk.
7. Discuss potential solutions and agree to them.
8. Everyone takes responsibility for household chores.
9. Stay on topic.
10. Draft an agreement, have everyone sign it and put it up somewhere.
This worked for us, and basically prevented World War III. Honest. It's not perfect around here, but it's liveable, and we're all trying extra hard. This is a time to try extra hard.
Meanwhile, in addition to working like a beaver to get office stuff done, I'm planning outfits for when social distancing measures are lifted.
I'm partial to this one.
I think I'll wear it to Aldi tomorrow....
Daughter Diva is getting ahead on making Christmas presents. These tassel earring she's invented are very much in demand....
I'm looking forward to the day when I can pick lavender with my little darlings again....
...and now that the weather is cooling here, the snuggly rugs are out...
...and crepes are on the menu for Breakfast, Lunch AND Dinner.
How are things for you?
Remember dears....this too shall pass.
Be Kind.