We found ourselves in lockdown again here.
Thankfully, for a mercifully brief couple of days. Phew. It does sometimes feel like this cycle will never end, right?
I personally don't mind lockdown. We have excellent supply chains where I live, including 8 supermarkets within five minutes drive. In addition, I always, always, have a minimum of one months supplies of pantry goods on hand. So there is no panic in our household.
I used this time to concentrate on some beading projects I've been working on.
I buy these statement necklaces from an Australian company called Erstwilder. Their releases are wildly popular, and usually sell out within weeks, sometimes within hours. This latest release was inspired by the Art Nouveau era, a particular favourite of mine.
I wasn't loving the chain or the, to my eye, 'unfinished' look of this Klimt inspired Tree of Life necklace, but I knew just how to fix it.
The addition first, of some apricot faceted vintage beads to replace a portion of the chain, helped enormously.
...I then played with several versions of the drop on the pointed bottom end, before settling on this, to bring out the red in the rectangles featured in the center of the piece.
I love this very much.
Second was this Magnolia necklace, which I chose to upcycle with a lucky find of marbled pink, heart shaped beads on a necklace somewhat similar to rosary beads.
I just adore this elegant version of what was already a very beautiful piece.

I became bored with beading one afternoon, and decided to bake.
This cake is called School Cake, as it was once served in School Cafeterias in the UK. It reminded me of the basic butter cake my Nanna used to make. It's delicious slightly warmed (I'd say 15 seconds in the microwave).
That accomplished, it was back to my beads, and this peacock feather necklace and earrings...sigh...just stunning. But again, what to do with that chain??
I found this black chain and aurora borealis bead necklace in my stash, and it was a match made in heaven, as they say....
The peacock ring, also from my own stash, makes this a truly beautiful Demi-Parure to treasure.
Meanwhile, Hubster returned from a supermarket trip, bearing roses. I always put them next to a mirror to double the joy. Do you do this?
My dwarf cumquat tree rewarded me with these little darlings which will be preserved and used as a side for a special chicken or pork dish, or as decorations on a cake.
See those Chrysanthemums? They were a marked down find at the supermarket too. So pretty in that ginger jar with matching graphics.
A mile (just about) of lasagna was made too. I can't make one lasagna. I just can't. Family members happily received their share.
How do you spend lockdowns or other enforced stay-at-home times?