If there's one thing I've learned since, at the age of 61, I transitioned into my seventh decade on this Earth, it's to be myself. Find what I like, in the sea of being told what to like. It's liberating.
It's only when you remove yourself from all of the external influences in your life, that the Real Self, sometimes comes into clearer focus. I think this has been the case for many of us, as we negotiate lockdowns.
These days, if I want to eat home made Enchiladas in the middle of Summer, and Sashimi in the dead of Winter....I do.
I'll eat pasta for breakfast....

...and fresh hot off the pan flatbread for lunch, all by itself if you don't mind.
Muesli and yoghurt for dinner? Sure.
Chocolate mousse for afternoon tea? Why not?
Surely at this moment in time, we should all do whatever we need to do to keep our spirits up.
Bubble bath at lunch time when you work from home? A sanity saver if you ask me.
What about this idea....
Give yourself a hand massage. Go on. Slather on some hand lotion. Or even better, make a hand scrub with equal parts raw sugar, olive oil and a few drops of your favourite essential oil. Now, don't just rub it on haphazardly. Pay attention to the back of your hand, your palms, each of your fingers and your thumb. Massage your wrist and up to the crook of your elbow. Use long strokes, and take your time. Rinse with warm water to activate the scent of the essential oil. Pat dry. Nice, right?
Give yourself a head massage. Particularly nice if you have a bit of length on your fingernails. Why do we wait for 'someone else' to do these things that we can do for ourselves?
See how here.
Curl up with a really good read. Something totally escapist. Certainly nothing to do with pandemics, thankyou. This is not the time for a Stephen King novel.
Can't go to the gym? Find an online workout or app that works for you. There are thousands. Gyms are not a good insourcing idea anyway.
Compile a new playlist on Spotify and dance at home, instead of attending a class.
Weights are your thing? Improvise with weights at home, logs of firewood, bags of clothing (those ones you've just decluttered). Get creative. Previous generations got their cardio by doing what needed doing around the place. They didn't pay someone else to do their chores, wash their car, walk their dog, and clean their gutters, and then also pay to go somewhere to exercise. It's a special madness, I tell you.
The Universe is trying to tell us something. And all respect to anyone with different beliefs, but it is NOT that the government is trying to kill us or take away our liberties.
We need to return to a slower way of life. A more authentic one.
Until we do that, nothing much will change.
How sad.
Look after yourself. Give yourself a break from the news and social media. Whatever is happening out there will continue to happen whether you engage with it or not. Rest your weary mind.
This storm will pass.
Stay safe. Stay calm. Breathe.