Saturday, April 16, 2016

Five Star Frou-Frou #45...

shabby shoes
Hello all, and welcome to our little community at Five Star Frou-Frou!
I have been absolutely flat chat this week. It's my husbands 60th birthday tomorrow and we have a party tonight. I also had a huge fundraiser organised for my daughters Dance Troupe, and of course, the usual life tasks were in the mix as well. So Five Star Frou-Frou is a little late and I apologise.
 I'm going to list the top three most clicked today, with a more in depth list of features on Monday, as we really did have a busy linkup this week. Thankyou!
First up and most clicked was Jo's post at Anne's Attic, seen above. Jo inspires constantly with her creativity, and this post is no exception.
Secondly was a dreamy post from the lovely Shane at Roses Lace Brocante, and I can see why this one was viewed so frequently. Shane always shares the most divine images, and she's outdone herself this week. Take a peek...

And finally, from Mary at In the Boondocks, a clever way to use what you have on hand to help organise your closet. Mary always has great practical tips for recycling and upcycling, and this one is a beauty!
Pretty Boxes for Organizing Clothes in the Closet
Thankyou all.

Can I just make a few comments on what I've observed about linkups in my time both hosting and linking...

I once worked in Advertising and Marketing, and I've noted many similarities between linking at a Blog Linkup, and placing an advertisement in your city newspaper.

In advertising, you only use your best images, utilising the cleverest minds in your business (and others like agencies) to make the most of your advertisement. Key issues include using clear photographs, eye catching slogans, inviting colors, and engaging text. You make sure that you are very clear about what your 'product' is by having great headlines, and detailed information in your ad.

If you follow these guidelines, a great photo, an eyecatching description, and detailed content, you too, can be a feature!


Meaning: Frills or other ornamentation

Origin: French, late 19th century

Imitative of the sound of a woman walking in a dress

In my imagination, this linkup is like a weekly gathering of friends, swishing around in stylish dresses and frou-frou. We all love to entertain graciously, live elegantly, dress beautifully, and gift generously, no matter our budget.

Like any regular gathering, we like to make sure we acknowledge newcomers, say hi to old friends, and share our most engaging news. Please do's lovely for us all to have a new friend stop by.
Here are some rules on how to be a good linky guest...

1. Please follow A Tray of Bliss. I am here, on Facebook and Pinterest (as Mimi's Tray of Bliss). I now have a closed group on Facebook with the same name, and we share lovely ways of living elegantly without spending a lot, so send a request to join and you're in!

2. Please visit new friends, revisit old ones, and leave comments to show your appreciation of their work. We all love that. Everyone works hard on their projects and writing, and if this is a party, then you need to mingle!
3. I'd also love it if you'd link back to A Tray of Bliss somewhere on your page. That helps the linkup to grow. The more beautiful bloggers we have linking, the more comments and visits for all of us. Thankyou dear friends and Welcome!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. Thanks Mimi for Five Star Frou Frou 45. Loved reading your presentation hints, so true. Have a great week.

  2. Thanks for hosting amidst your busy schedule of late. Happy birthday to your husband! Have a great weekend!

  3. Hi MiMi, thank you so much for hosting and have a wonderful weekend!

  4. Dear Mimi
    Thank you for highlighting my post from last week.
    Happy 60th birthday to your husband - have a great party!
    Organising that and your dance troupe you've done very well to put your link up - thank you!
    Shane x

  5. Beautiful features! Thank you for hosting!

    P.S. Here is the link to your ironing post :)

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. Thanks for another lovely linky party, Mimi!
    Blessings, Leigh

  7. Hi
    I think this is my first time to join your party. I see some of my blog friends over here

  8. Thanks so much for hosting Mimi! Have a lovely Sunday!

  9. Happy birthday for your husband and thanks for hosting. Hugs from France. Monika

  10. You are one busy lady! Thanks for hosting and for the tips. I hope your husband had a wonderful birthday!


I love hearing from you! I always respond to comments, so don't be shy! Mimi xxx