Friday, December 11, 2015

Five Star Frou-Frou #31...and the Festive Fun begins!

Festive features this week include ChelC's adorable Giant snow globe...and easy to DIY too!
This divine non-alcoholic Pomegranate cocktail from Rocket pretty is that!
And Jolenas gorgeous budget teen room makeover at While I Linger...I must do that swag with the fairy lights for my daughter for Christmas. How beautiful!

Frou-Frou - Noun

Meaning: Frills or other ornamentation

Origin: French, late 19th century

Imitative of the sound of a woman walking in a dress

In my imagination, this linkup is like a weekly gathering of friends, swishing around in stylish dresses and frou-frou. We all love to entertain graciously, live elegantly, dress beautifully, and gift generously, no matter our budget.

Like any regular gathering, we like to make sure we acknowledge newcomers, say hi to old friends, and share our most engaging news. Please do's lovely for us all to have a new friend stop by.
So before we start...

1. Please follow A Tray of Bliss. I am here, on Facebook and Pinterest (as Mimi's Savings Secrets).

2. Please visit new friends, revisit old ones, and leave comments to show your appreciation of their work. We all love that.

3. I'd also love it if you'd link back to A Tray of Bliss somewhere on your page. Thanks so much.

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. Hi Mimi, it looks as though I'm an early guest, so I will return to mix and mingle. I'll make myself a hot beverage while I wait. ;) Thanks for hosting.
    Rita C at Panoply

  2. Hi Mimi! Thanks for featuring the girls bedroom re-do! I am off to check out the other features now! Merry Christmas!

  3. Hi Mimi, lovely features. Thanks for the invite and your sweet visit to my Pink Fantasy table.

  4. Hi Mimi! Happy to be joining in this week! Thank you for the party!


  5. Thank you Mimi, appreciate visiting and joining in. I love the stars that fall from your little arrow.

  6. Hi Mimi, thank you for hosting. It's such a fun time of year to catch up on all of the holiday links.
    xx Jo

  7. Thank you for hosting! Have a fabulous Friday! :)

  8. Thanks for hosting the fun party each week Mimi. Enjoy the weekend.

  9. Hi Mimi,
    Hope this finds you feeling better hon. Am getting such a kick out of that
    Advent calendar....look forward to it everyday, and have found I can go back
    and play the smashing game........I love that for some reason......maybe I am getting any frustrations out and just don't know it!! lol

    Hope things are coming along well at your house......hoping I can get some
    decorating done tomorrow........our class party will be over tonight, so
    then I can focus on other things.........

    Hugs and Blessings Sweetie,

  10. Thank you for hosting, have a great weekend!!

  11. Mimi thank you for hosting. I love coming to visit you every week, that's the only time I get out of my pajamas and wear the fancy froo froo! ;) I hope you have a great weekend. xoxo

  12. Hi, Mimi! I'm late but didn't want to miss the party so here I am! Thanks for hosting!



I love hearing from you! I always respond to comments, so don't be shy! Mimi xxx