Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Five Star Frou-Frou...a Neverending Story....

This is a linkup of a different kind.

I find that I am temporarily unable to give my weekly linkup the attention it deserves. Life circumstances dictate that my attention is almost daily, distracted by unforeseen events, and for now, I can do little about this.

 It means setting up the linkup in a timely and predictable fashion is virtually impossible, and for now, I cannot fulfill my end of the bargain on this. This means I cannot give YOU the attention you deserve. You deserve a personal comment, and a thankyou for visiting and linking, as well as a predictable time for doing so. I've come to realise too, that hosting a successful ongoing linkup as a lone blogger, takes time away from developing my own content, and this has been a difficult scenario for me to manage. I've also missed commenting on your blogs, connecting with you because I want to grow our friendship, not because you linked up at my Linky party. Do you know what I mean?

I've also become aware, as a person who worked in Advertising and Marketing for many years, that a linkup is essentially a series of little advertisements placed on my blog, for content on yours. A kindness which, if all goes well, is returned by you mentioning my linkup in your post, or elsewhere on your own blog. 

I can do this just as effectively, by adding you to my list of blogs I love, seen on the right hand side here. Or by mentioning you in a dedicated post, as Annabel from The Bluebirds are Nesting and I do for each other informally, on a regular basis. If you've been following A Tray of Bliss for any length of time, I think you might do the same for me, as I would for you. I actually really love this idea and feel it's a more personal strategy that will allow our friendship to grow and develop on a whole new level.

So to this end, I propose two things.

1. This linkup is a never ending linkup, and is sorted in random order, meaning that you can add links any time, and they will still end up well positioned in the sorting. In other words, the link you add, won't be at the bottom of the list! Add as you wish, when you wish, and I will respond as I am able, choosing monthly features on the 10th of each month. I encourage you to do as you always have, and visit as many other links (or rather 'advertised blogs' as I now think of them), as you can, each time you link. I will mention and link any new additions (just like a 'feature') that are particularly eye-catching, each time I post on any topic here at A Tray of Bliss. This gives you more chances than you would normally have, of being a 'featured blogger'. In addition, I will add featured links, to my Facebook closed group page, and my Pinterest boards, giving you even further exposure for your blog.

2. I invite you to email me with your proposal for a joint venture between you and me. It could be as simple as each of us guest posting for the other on a topic that is mutually interesting.  It could be that we each feature the others blog in a special post. Maybe several of us could dedicate one post a month to a particular topic, and link our themed posts that day. Some ideas that spring to mind include a post on Family, Heirloom Skills, nurturing home and family, finding beauty in our day, and so on. Another thought is to share a favourite photograph once a month, which as an avid photographer, really appeals to me! You can share your own ideas, or show support for any of these ideas, or register your interest in contributing a guest post, by contacting me at atrayofbliss@yahoo.com.

I know this is unconventional. I know it's different. But I think it can work well for us both.

I hope you do too.

Thankyou in advance, for your support as I move forward with this new idea.

Love Ya,

Mimi xxx

Please link your loveliest posts. I can't wait to see them!

(Cannot add links. Registration/trial expired)


  1. This is such a lovely HumanE way of dealing with this connections that can be made from intentions of purely caring. I love it! Congratulations. I want to blog more often but I too am finding life pulling me in more important directions and blogging is last when I can get to it, and I'm fine with that. But love this idea! <3

  2. Just dropping by to thank you for the visit and kind comments, Mimi! Now I wanna watch The Neverending Story...

  3. What a good idea Mimi. GranX6

  4. Great idea! Because I am so busy right now, I am feeling somewhat overwhelmed by blogging which is why I am taking a blogging break. My family is arriving very shortly and I have much to do before they get here. Today we shampooed the carpets so I'm very late getting around for visits. Thanks for sharing and Happy Summer, Mimi!


  5. Dear Mimi:
    God bless you - take the pressure off - keep it simple. That's always good advice.

  6. Mimi,
    Great idea!! Love it! My only thought is if the links are mot in order than how would one discover the new links added when they would be mixed with the old ones in no particular order... Just wondering....
    I changed up the link up on my Party list to advertise the new party!!
    Have a great weekend!

  7. I love this idea! So glad to participate! Lynn

  8. I finally got the direct link up to this new party. Better late than never :) Hope your winter isn't too cold over there!

  9. We are thinking fall! Having a heat wave again so cooler temps will be a blessing! Thanks so much Mimi! Have a great week, Lynn

  10. Mimi, what a clever solution! I agree with Bernideen: take the pressure off, keep it simple. Thank you for hosting.


I love hearing from you! I always respond to comments, so don't be shy! Mimi xxx