Recipes in four sentences

Friday, August 21, 2015

Five Star Frugal #15...the pink one...


  1. Per Mimi's request I shared Tolkien's 10 Tips for Writers, a reblog from Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog. I also shared my yummy homemade sports drink recipe.

  2. Mimi, I don't know how my bananamisu came to your attention, but I'm glad it did! I look forward to checking out more of your lovely blog because I love being frugal AND blissful! :-)

  3. You are simply the sweetest to feature my tea post. Thank you, my friend :) Now I will have to look through my posts to see what I want to link up this week. Hug to you!

  4. Thanks so much for the party Mimi.

  5. Mimi, thank you for hosting and thank you for inviting me back!

  6. Thank you for inviting me to join in, Mimi! :)

  7. Hi Mimi, thanks for hosting the party and have a nice weekend. Please don't forget to stop by my blog and link up and share your posts at Cooking and Crafting with J & J.
    Julie xo

  8. Mimi,
    Thank you for inviting me! It's been a crazy busy week...but I am looking forward to enjoying this party a little more personally over the weekend...You feature such fun friends!

  9. Thanks for having me over again, Mimi. Have a fun weekend! :)

  10. Thanks for inviting me back again today, Mimi, to link a post on $aving Ca$h with a Car Picnic!

  11. Thanks for the invitation. I'm thrilled to link up and have a look around your cute blog.

  12. I have added my post that you requested, Mimi. Blessings!

  13. Hi Mimi, thank you for the invite to your lovely party. I'm excited to meet new friends. Have a great weekend. Pat xx

  14. Thanks for visiting and for the invitation to join the party. I shared some inexpensive makeovers and a tour of our summer living room (with lots of thrifted and frugal decorating.) I'm off to follow you on my fb page and Pinterest, and to visit some links. Have a great week!

  15. Thanks for the invitation. I usually create quite a few tablescapes. Thanks for hosting. xoxo

  16. Hi, Mimi! Thank you so much for hosting and for the gracious invite!

  17. Hi Mimi. Thank you so much for inviting me over! I love your party and your blog! I will see you again for sure.


I love hearing from you! I always respond to comments, so don't be shy! Mimi xxx