Recipes in four sentences

Thursday, August 20, 2015

50 & and clean...

I'm 55. I've been told I look good 'for my age'. I always wonder what people mean when they say that, but I take it as a compliment!
I've always looked after myself though, so I guess this is the age where you see that paying off.
So when I heard that Arborvitae were seeking the more mature blogger with aches and pains to sample their product, I put on my big girl pants and put my hand up. Much as I dislike being older, anything that eases the path to ageing with grace, has to be a good thing, right?

I read up on the benefits of the product, which it's claimed can reduce the impact of chronic inflammation at cellular level. This is turn, can strengthen the immune system, and assist in the removal of free radicals. We all know that those nasty little beggars contribute to we older folk, not looking or feeling our best.

So, two mega bottles of this magic potion arrived on my doorstep post haste, and I unwrapped and sniffed at them with both trepidation and curiosity. They emanated a sweetish, not unpleasant scent, and an experimental taste revealed something far more pleasant that the Wheat Grass Shots of which I was so convinced held the secret of youth and good health, a year or three ago. Sort of green, but with a true natural honeyed flavour.
We set off overseas for four weeks, meaning my own home trial had to wait for my return. But as soon as I saw those bottles in the fridge, I set about making sure I took my twice daily dose.

The first thing I noticed, was that the jet lag usually so evident after a long haul flight home to Australia from Europe, didn't seem to hit me so hard. I was able to get on with my day, without that overwhelming tiredness that sees you just about falling asleep mid sentence for a week or so.

Then I noticed that my craving for a mid afternoon cuppa had disappeared. I was suddenly happy to have my dose of Arborvitae, a piece of fruit and a big glass of water. Ditto to the one I'd usually have after dinner, with a sugary biscuit.

Within a fortnight, chronic pain in my shoulders, elbows, wrists, knees and hips, all a relic of caring for a totally physically dependent disabled son (who is now 24!), and the creep of middle age, had eased enormously, and has now all but disappeared.

Possibly due to the reduction of teas laced with sugar, and fewer naughty cookies, my complexion looks less red, and some surface veins on my chin and around my nose, have retreated significantly. I guess that could also and most likely is, the anti-inflammatory ingredients doing their work.

I've been taking the Arborvitae and continuing my usual walking programme, supplemented with a diet free of processed food, little red meat, and high in fresh fruit and vegetables for four weeks now. I feel more lively and less tired, I have been sleeping more soundly due to my increased activity levels brought on by my new found energy, and most importantly, I'm not battling fatigue brought on by Winter aches and pains in my joints.

It's easy to be a cynic, but the only thing that I've added to my usual routine, is the Arborvitae, so I'd have to say it's a resounding success.

I'm one happy customer.

If you'd like to trial Arborvitae for yourself (and I highly recommend the experiment) you can buy two one litre bottles at the special price of $99 (RRP $69.95 each) if you use my link.
That's a saving of $40 on the usual price. I've been taking 30mls twice daily, so my initial two bottles would yield over a months supply at that dosage. That's less than $2 a day. For general well being you'd just take 30mls a day, and for more severe chronic conditions, the recommendation is 50mls twice daily. Whichever way you go, it's a small price to pay for an increase in vitality, and energy, and a reduction in pain and it's associated fatigue.

I've always been one to believe in looking after the body I've been given. I'd like to think that if I treat it well, it will look after me for several decades to come. I think Arborvitae can help me do that.



  1. Mimi, I have never heard of Avorvitae before and am pleased you have had such excellent results from trying it. Anything to help the ageing process is always welcome.

    1. I hadn't either Nanna Chel. And I admit I was cautious. But it has worked for me. I recall a Chinese practitioner once lecturing me about reducing alkalinity in the body, which was why I took the Wheat Grass Shots (amongst other things). It certainly makes a difference if you have chronic pain. Mimi xxx

  2. Mimi, i love your hair! That tonic sounds attractive. Xxx
    I have really enjoyed all of your posts of late.

    1. Thankyou Flora! It is rather good. And I'm not just saying! I'm enjoying finding new, odd, or enthralling topics on which to blog, so I'm thrilled to hear you giving your stamp of approval. Mimi xxx

  3. This sounds really interesting.... inflammation seems to be the problem and aging thing. It has been an interesting week... Hilde who I think also looks good and just turned 60 uses this Dragons Blood moisturizer. I hadnt heard of it either. Well Hildes siter was here and she is 75. After they left I said to Andy how old would he have guessed her to be? He said 50. When I told him he was dumfounded! So I did pass that on! It is very hard to tell ages these days too. I see people who turn out to be young that I think are old and people who are old but I thought they were young! I will go research this product now! Thank you Mimi! xxx

    1. Annabel, that moisturiser that Hilde speaks of is very interesting, and coincidentally, I just went through the process of sourcing some a few days ago. It has yet to arrive but it sounds good. I know that there is much controversy surrounding supplements and lotions and potions, but I have always used something on my skin and at least taken a multi-vitamin. I think that and a sensible lifestyle, definitely contribute greatly to how we look and feel from about 40 onwards. I agree that I meet people who I think are older than me and they turn out to be five or even ten years younger, or people my age, who seem more tired and aged. Genes play a part too for sure, so maybe it's all just a gamble, but I'd like to hedge my! Lots of Love, Mimi xxx

  4. I have not heard of this product, but I'm so glad that it has helped you! It's important to take care of ourselves for sure! Thanks for sharing with Share Your Cup.

  5. Hi Mimi
    I heard about Arborvitae on the radio last week and have found a link. Go to: It sounds like a great product for may illnesses including diabetes, high cholesterol and arthritis.


I love hearing from you! I always respond to comments, so don't be shy! Mimi xxx