Recipes in four sentences

Work with Me

Do you feel we have something in common?

Is there some way we can work together to benefit us both?

If so, email me at, and let's talk!

I'm open to ideas on homemaking, gift creation, fashion for the over 50s, healthy living, and travel.

Talk soon!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Mimi,
    This is Marie Watson and I emailed you before about hosting a review and a giveaway of the Lilla Rose hairclips. You emailed and asked if you living in Australlia would be a problem.I emailed back but I wanted to make sure you recived the reply and it did not go in your spam. It does not matter that you live outside of the USA at all. If you do not still have the website it is so you can go pick which Flexi Clip you would like. Also the size is so important. There is a styling and sizing video right on front page of website. It is about 4 minutes long and will help to choose the correct size.Please email me with any questions at all. I look forward to hearing from you.


I love hearing from you! I always respond to comments, so don't be shy! Mimi xxx