Recipes in four sentences

Monday, May 25, 2020

Motherly Advice...are you prepared for the unexpected?

I think we've all learned recently, is that we are not always prepared for unexpected events in life. I am all kinds of 'prepared' in general day to day terms, but who could have prepared us for Covid-19?
A friend of mine was hospitalised recently. NOT with Covid-19 thankfully.
She's home now, but you wouldn't believe what a pressure this unexpected confinement introduced into their lives. Apart from the very obvious worry for her and her family, it transpired that she had no sleepwear suitable for public viewing being a trackpants and tshirts for pyjamas kind of girl, and no toiletries that were not currently in use by the family.
Her husband was entrusted with the task of remedying the situation, and whilst you might imagine that husbands would be good at buying their wives sleepwear, judging by how that's marketed for Mothers Day, under duress, it's not that easy. And certainly not with current restrictions on shopping with many retailers being closed!
What size, what sort of fabric, what colour, would she wear pants and tops or nightgowns, what size slippers...these were all the kinds of decisions he had to make, without the relevant information at hand.
He also had to buy toiletries of all kinds, likewise without knowing what he was doing many husbands really know our preferred toothpaste, toothbrush, soap, deodorant and so on. And of course, when you're unwell, the familiar becomes so important.
He managed, but his wallet was several hundred dollars lighter for the experience, which did not help anyones state of mind at the time.
This got me thinking that first of all, my husband would not have a clue if this were to happen to us. I have very particular taste in sleepwear, toiletries and general items of comfort, and the poor man would not know where to begin.
And secondly, with a very difficult Mothers Day coming up, given isolation and social distancing measures, could I use this idea to generate some gifts for the Mums in my life?
That list might include a handtowel in a favourite colour, with a pretty soap and body wash , like these...
Some pretty nightgowns would be absolutely essential, and I have a collection of patterns, both my own vintage ones and ones I've found on eBay or in thrift stores. Sleepwear styles do not change much from one decade to the next, and these styles remain comfortable and attractive even given their 30+ age...

Even a style like this one below, is surprisingly easy to construct, and when you're ill, it can be empowering to have a pretty nightgown...
Pharmacies always have little miniatures of toiletries available, and even samples can be a handy thing, and are given away routinely upon request in some pharmacies and department stores.
Imagine a gift that included a pretty nightgown (or two), some face washers or a handtowel, and a favourite soap, a dry shampoo and hair care items, toothbrush and toothpaste, lip balm, hand cream, light makeup items, and all presented in a drawstring bag in a sweet print.
Pretty, useful, and welcome for anyone of any age.
I ended up assembling a kit each for my two sisters for Mothers Day. Now daughter has requested one...hopefully not in case of hospitalisation! Then I'll try to assemble one for myself.
What would you add to your emergency self-care kit?


  1. I can't think of anything I would add over and above your lovely list if I was giving it to someone. For my own personal kit I would add a couple of basic stretch bras that are comfortable to sleep in. Oh and I used to take in my own pillow cases when I was having regular treatment a few years back because I wanted something to brighten up my bed. I used to pack enough pillowcases so I could put a fresh one on my pillow each morning as the nurses were doing the daily linen change.

    1. Sherri, that's a lovely idea. I think I'll make pillowcases that match the nightgowns. Love it. Mimi xxx

  2. Mimi, this happened to a friend of mine who was rushed to hospital for an emergency operation. She sent her husband out to buy some presentable nightwear and it was a bit of a disaster, so when I rang him to ask what I could do he begged me to go and buy some pjs for her.
    I always keep a stash of extra toiletries in the back of a cupboard, but maybe a little pile of 'nice' pjs and undies in the corner of a drawer would be a lifesaver, not only for hospital visits, but for needing to leave the house quickly for all sorts of reasons - evacuation, sudden family emergency requiring travel - in those situations you may not want to be seen in the tatty trackies or have your holey undies hanging on someone else's clothesline!

    1. That's an excellent point Jo. I think all of us have experienced an emergency situation at one time or another, and that ability to just grab and go, can be crucial. As for holey undies...never! Mimi xxx

  3. I feel like my contacts/glasses and solution would be the most important thing that would be forgotten. It's not a bad idea to make up a just-in-case list, and I may go about doing that this week, thanks for the idea!

    I'm glad your friend is home now and I hope her healing continues smoothly.

    1. Stephanie, eyeglasses are a great addition! Always good to have a spare pair. I wonder if a magnifying glass would suffice in a pinch too. Mimi xxx

  4. Good post. I always have a over night travel case for my toiletries always packed. Putting a nightie with it is a very good idea. Recently I had surgery but I was able to pack my own things in advance, so was good to go.

    1. Laurie, expanding that idea to a weekender case could work too. Love it. Mimi xxx

  5. My husband ended up in hospital unexpectedly a few years ago and I was able to pack him a bag with everything he needed. By the time he'd left hospital, he'd given away most of his stuff to all the blokes who also came in unexpectedly and had no PJ's, razors Janiebabe x

    1. Exactly Janiebabe. We underestimate how often this actually happens. How lovely of him to pass his essentials on to others. Mimi xxx

  6. When I was hospitalised some years ago I asked my husband to bring me some dry shampoo. He went to see one of our daughters to ask if this was an actual thing or was it a joke?! She directed him to the right shop and told him the name of the brand etc - we still laugh about it now. I keep a travel washbag prepped with everything I need but I think I will invest in a new nightie or PJs and a new pair of PJs for my husband- thanks for the reminder!

    1. Penny that made me laugh a lot! Poor husband. It does sound like a joke doesn't it! Thanks for the giggle. Mimi xxx

  7. It can happen as we as caregivers kind of neglect ourselves. I try to always have a nice outfit in case of emergency but like your friend I'm afraid my nightwear needs help.

    1. Oh Vickie, I think it's the last thing we Mums and caregivers think of. Always imagining that it's not something others view us in, so it doesn't matter. Well...until it does. Yes, invest in some nightwear. Even simple pants and singlet tops can be pretty and pretty respectable. Mimi xxx

  8. Mimi I thought you had a go back for emergencies set up for this. I'm sure it was you who had this all set up when the Diva had an emergency trip to hospital for Appendicitis?
    I have a bag set up for Bluey and another for me. Bluey's has been used a couple of times and has been super handy. He does not wear PJs normally so it is great to have a bag with items suitable for his hospital visit. After wearing a gown on one occasion he happily wears the items in his hospital bag. We also put in a spare phone charger and a transistor radio.
    Your post has reminded me that I need to upgrade my sleepwear. My current nightie situation provides comfort but they really aren't fit for anyone else. My travel washbag is ready to go as is Bluey's in his go bag.
    I ended up putting these bags together based on a blog post or possibly a Facebook post that I am sure you wrote. I must check out my patterns for nighties and see what I can put together.

    1. I do and still do. AND used them this weekend just gone due to a situation where we needed to evacuate our home. But inevitably, you don't use it for a while, so you keep stealing bits and pieces from it, and not replenishing. It's just a reminder to NOT to do that in my! Nighties, even quite pretty ones, are amongst the simplest things to make, so treat yourself xxx

  9. Underwear!And nice comfy socks.

    A friend of my mum's was unexpectedly told she could go home after several months in hospital. She lived with her father, so she rang him and asked him to bring her some clothes, which he dutifully did. Unfortunately, he packed a silver evening dress, an aran jumper, a pair of Wellington boots and a nursing bra that she didn't even know she still owned! She did the only thing she could, put the clothes on and strutted out of there like she owned the place. So, I think having at least an idea of what to wear on discharge would be good.

    1. Su, yes! Socks and respectable undies! That's such a funny story! I can just envisage this lady in her silver gown and jumper...poor Dad just had no clue obviously! That's a great thought. A simple, non crushable going home outfit. Added! Mimi xxx


I love hearing from you! I always respond to comments, so don't be shy! Mimi xxx