Recipes in four sentences

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

A Homespun Year....What September brings...

September in my part of the world brings displays of Bromeliad flowers and Gazanias in my garden....
It sees my lovely husband out in the garden, trimming my topiary trees, which he maintains carefully, just because he knows I love them...
...the orchid my Mum gave us when we first moved to this home, always flowers...
...and September sees us enjoying our afternoon cuppa in the outdoors, with tea served in a large pot, served with freshly baked chocolate cake...

 September also sees me treating myself to something nice, as Mum used to say. It would have been my Mums birthday you see, so my sister and I always celebrate by buying ourselves, what we would have bought for Mum at this time of the year. This time for me, it was an Art Deco Toi et Moi (You and Me) diamond ring. Mum adored the Art Deco period, and passed that passion on to us, so if she were here, this would be a lovely gift for her. I know she would approve. Happy Birthday Mum.
Of course, the other passion we inherited from her, was shopping at Thrift Stores. So a recent find of a linen jacket, has seen me meticulously stitching a neon beaded embellishment to upgrade my Spring wardrobe....
....of course while I had needle and thread in hand, sewing in September, also means the sewing for the annual Dance Performance Night at my daughters senior school. This is always lavish beyond belief, with the choreography, lighting and costumes, rivalling any Studio performance. As always, I assisted with costumes, by making silver boots, headpieces galore, and several Card Soldier costumes for an Alice in Wonderland routine. These were easy though thankfully, and were simply a white pillowcase, slit at the sides, a small sliver cut from the closed end to form a neck hole, and shapes cut from red lycra (no fiddly edges to finish!), hand stitched to finish. Thankyou $6 costume...schools love you. And with Halloween coming up, busy mums love the $6 costume too!
And well...things never run smoothly. No sooner was all that out of the way, and the week long virus struck. All thoughts of food, drink and movement of any kind fled, and all I could manage was lying prone on the living room lounge, hair awry, sips of water at hand, and Casablanca on the screen. Awful. And in the end....very boring! Sorry. Not Casablanca, for how could it ever be boring or awful. I mean the virus.
Here's a still from that famous scene where Humphrey says "We'll always have Paris" (swoon), and "Here's lookin' at you Kid" (double swoon). Why don't well dressed folk wear little hats any more, I ask you. So glamourous and fabulous...

Naturally this too passed, as all things both good and bad do, and just in time for school holidays. Oh joy. I LOVE school holidays because not only do I get to see my darling daughter, but I also get to host my little Munchkin for a sleepover. We of course had to buy a new outfit (because that's what Nannas do), and of course it had to involve tulle, glitter and sparkles. Thankyou End-of-Season sales. This whole ensemble, head to toe, relieved Nanna of just $24, including the headband. The boots? $3. The sparkly dress? $6. Leggings and metallic knit and headband? $15 all up. Smile for Nanna? Free. Hugs? Many.

A sleepover at Nannas always means an adventure too. By request, yesterdays adventure was a trip to the local ice skating rink where the Munchkin was becoming quite accomplished at all things slippery and chilly....

Of course this meant Nanna had to sit in the bleachers shivering her way through several cups of weak and watery hot chocolate, but well, that's what we do, isn't it?
Needless to say, September is not yet done, and more fun is to be had as we tumble headlong in to Studio Dance Recital rehearsals, Eisteddfod Duos and Groups, end of year exam preparation at school, and then Christmas. I think I'm ready....
The years fly by so quickly these days, when all I really want is for them to slow down. I guess that will come...
What does September bring in your part of the world? I'd love to share your photos too! Send them to me at ya..
Remember too that Five Star Frou-Frou is a never ending linkup, with a feature each and every time I post. Thankyou to everyone who continues to add their gorgeous posts to the linkup!
Todays feature is from my lovely friend Jes over at Strangers and Pilgrims on Earth. All this talk of Spring here, seemed an opportune time to feature Jes's post on what's lurking under the kitchen sink, and how to tame it!
Thanks Jes! Love it!


  1. Mimi, oh no, you've been sick too! I'm so sorry! It is definitely no fun! In our area of the world we are heading into fall, in fact Thursday is the first official day of fall. I am so glad. This summer has been exceedingly hot and I am ready for some cooler weather. Now, if the temperatures will just cooperate! The ring is beautiful and what a special way to remember your mum! Aren't granddaughters just the best!!!!

  2. What a sweetie! She is a beautiful little girl! I am so glad to hear you are feeling better! You are one busy mama! All of those costumes. Enjoy every minute, as I am sure you do. They pass way to quickly. Thanks for sharing.

  3. What a lovely idea to buy yourself a gift on your mum's birthday Mimi! My mum's and my birthdays are a day apart, and in truth my birthday has always been a bit of a downer since she died. I really like the idea of doing something special that she would have liked to make it a bit more of a celebration. Will Let you know in November!

  4. Such a lovely ring in memory of your mom ♥

  5. Dear Miss Mimi!

    I'm so glad you are feeling better and that ole' nasty virus has left!

    Thank you for sharing pictures of your September. What a wonderful way to remember your moma. I hope I can remember that when the time comes. My Moma didn't have a specific period of time that she liked but she sure loved Elvis! ;)

    Your granddaughter is absolutely adorable. I have four daughters (no grandchildren yet). Just seeing her makes my heart squeeze. My daughters are 22, 19, 16, and 14. I so wish I could hold them in my arms one more time.

    All my best to you!

  6. Hi Mimi,
    So glad you are feeling better and were able to have a lil sleepover with your
    lil granddaughter, she is her outfit, so cute. My lil
    darling is so into dresses and the those tulle glitzy ones as well. She always wants to wear a dress! She is such a girly girl....and I love it.

    Wow, you were quite busy there for awhile, that was a cute way to make
    the card costumes. Your new ring is beautiful...when is your Mom's actual
    birthday, my grandmothers is Sept. 22nd, and she has been gone a long time.
    That is a fun way to remember your the way....
    All your plants are lovely it is Spring at your house then, right!!
    I just came in from cleaning my front porch and walkway so I can put up my
    Fall was so nice and cool this morning in the upper
    70's and I was in the shade so it felt great..........and the leaves are
    falling off our maple tree out it is beginning to feel a lil
    Fallish finally, course it is already 80 and it is only 9:45 a.m. lol

    Well you have a wonderful Tuesday and week ahead,
    Love, Hugs and Blessings galore sweet friend,

  7. September brought my birthday yesterday (66), our 45th wedding anniversary (9/25), a broken computer, a dial that broke on my clothes dryer (hubby fixed) and finally air that I can actually breath. The humidity is gone and the temperatures are something I can work with. I love your new ring.

  8. Oh, Mimi, you have certainly been much love there! It is no wonder that you have come down sick, but Casa Blanca is the best movie to keep your spirits up, for sure. Love the beautiful garden pics and the wonderful ring in commemoration of your dear Mom. My Mom's birthday was in September, too. The costumes are so cute - how fun to be part of the pageantry. I miss going to school plays, but soon I hope to be going again when the grand-kids get older. Your little munchkin is precious beyond words....Hope you are feeling better. Hugs xo Karen

  9. Ah, wonderful home... Thank you for the feature this week also Mimi! I have also been somewhat of a recluse as of late too :) But I think that is a good thing sometimes! :)

  10. Dear Mimi:
    What a fun post and I too love thrift store. We go to a resale show almost every week and I have gotten a lot of cute clothing. Fun post! So glad you shared your chocolate cake which looks delicious!

  11. Mimi, so sorry to hear that you have had a virus. It must be getting to the end of flu season surely. That is lovely that you had your little munchin over for a sleepover. I will be flying up to see my grandchildren in two weeks. They will be back at school by then so I will have to prepare for the school drop off at some ungodly hour of the morning :-)

  12. I love this post! I must get some Gazania's in my garden next Spring! They are so pretty. I love the idea of buying a gift for yourself in memory of a loved one....that ring is gorgeous as I also love art deco jewelry. I love how you embellished your thrifty jacket. I am just starting to be able to have special dates with my 11 year old granddaughter. We go thrifting together and there is always something she has to have! I am always glad to get it for her. September is back to the routine for me, after a lazy summer, and an anticipation of October and my favorite season, Fall!

  13. Hello Mimi, it sure sounds like September has been a busy month for you. Thanks for sharing the update with us at Cooking and Crafting with J&J. :)

  14. Hope you're feeling better!

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!


I love hearing from you! I always respond to comments, so don't be shy! Mimi xxx