Recipes in four sentences

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Between The Lines...the 50+ Bloggers Series....

The lovely Katherine at Katherines Corner, made an offer some months ago now, to promote we...ahem...ladies of a certain age, and our blogs, through her fabulous Between the Lines Series.
This series has offered us all a wonderful platform through which to promote our blogs, and a way of showing how sassy and savvy those of us with some life experience behind us, can be!

Katherine has asked each of the featured bloggers over the last 7 weeks, a few questions about life and blogging and it's been an interesting insight into the life of the surprised (I say that because, really....did you ever think you'd be doing this at this stage of life?) blogger, to say the least.

Here's my own contribution...

Katherine asked "As an age 50 or older blogger, do you find your readers are of a similar age."

My response: Yes and No. I find that the readers who comment are invariably of similar age and interests, but as my blog content is so diverse, I generate many views from sources that I wouldn’t really consider ’50+’. By far, my greatest reader sources are Facebook and Pinterest, and I have increased my statistics over tenfold in the last eighteen months by focusing on posts and activity in those areas. It’s not an outcome I could ever have predicted, but it’s certainly helped me identify my niche!

Katherine asked "What was the last gift you gave and what was it for?"

My response: Many of my blog posts focus on creative gift giving, and my most recently gifted item was Romantic themed clothespegs, packaged with similarly themed gift wrap and greeting card. This was given with a favourite classic novel and a beautifully embellished book weight, to my darling sister for her birthday. She loved it! I love tailoring the gift to the recipient, and sharing those ideas on my blog is a constant creative pleasure for me.

The thing that has struck me about this series, is that through blogging, we have all found a path to connect with like minded friends. This was once done through common interest groups in our neighbourhood at the local Church or Community Hall. Now, me? I was never one for attending meetings and making new friends through those meetings. My life is so frantic much of the time, with three adult sons with partners, a daughter at high school and heavily involved in the performing arts, and three lovely grandchildren. So fronting up to a regular gathering, is always a challenge.

Blogging however, allows me the opportunity to generate friendships through a common bond, even if that bond is simply 'blogging'. Even better though, is that I can actively seek friends with similar interests in life, who are at a similar stage in life, and consolidate those friendships over a period of time, that does not necessitate 'a meeting'. It's an unexpected joy and a true pleasure in my life.

If someone had told me twenty years ago, that I would have literally hundreds of friends all over the world, with whom I connect daily, I would have laughed.

And we are....

I hope you'll hop on over to Katherine's Corner and visit the other bloggers featured this week. Follow their blogs, follow them on other social media, and see if it doesn't make your day.



  1. thank you for your bloggy friendship and for participating in the blog series. This is a lovely post xo

  2. Thankyou Katherine. It's been a pleasure and an honour to be involved. Mimi xxx

  3. Hello from Between the Lines Week 5 (I think). Aren't online connections wonderful? Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hello Cathy. It's so lovely to meet you! I'll be hopping over to Week 5 to connect with you. Mimi xxx

  4. That is interesting, Mimi. I thought you were only 21! :-) I will check out those blogs. Thanks for the links.

    1. Chel, of course I am 21 in my own! Do we ever really see ourselves as 'old'? Mimi xxx

  5. So enjoying meeting more Between The Lines ladies and discovering great blogs. Love the book gift. I can't wait to explore more of your blog.

    1. I'm happy to welcome you to my humble patch Hopewell. Mimi xxx

  6. I love this post and your answers because they echo my experience with blogging too. I definitely fit into your peer group and love the circle of lady bloggers my age that I have met. I will have to go over to Katherine's and meet some others!

    1. AnnMarie, hasn't blogging just been the ultimate surprise in the lives of we 'ladies of a certain age'? I love your blog, and visit often. Mimi xxx

  7. Blogging has been a blessing for many of us, I thing. A brave new world.

    1. Amalia, a brave new world describes it exactly! Love, Mimi xxx

  8. What an interesting post, Mimi. I am just stopping by to let you know the I heard back from the Inlinkz folks and they say the issue has been resolved. I sent you an email earlier and let you know what the problem was. Have a beautiful day.


    1. Dearest Sandi, thankyou. How odd? I got the email just now as it's early morning here in Australia. I'll visit in a minute. Love, Mimi xxx

  9. Such a pretty blog and a beautifully written post. Nice to meet you through Between the Lines. I tried to follow on Google+ but link isn't working, so I followed on Blogger instead.

    1. Hello Amy. It's lovely to meet you too. I hope we'll get to know each other better over the coming months. Love, Mimi xxx

  10. Now we just need you on Instagram and life would be complete hehe. I am younger (early 30s) but find that the age difference is actually helpful. I find lots of younger bloggers are "lifestyle" bloggers, but there's not a lot of real life there, just lots of shopping and pushing products. I much prefer to spend my precious little free time reading blogs from writers of all ages where information is shared that I can actually learn from and which inspires me in my daily life, not just encourage me to go shopping. As a mum of young kids I also enjoy reading about those who have come out the other side and survived (and thrived!) hehe. So I thank you 50+ ladies for passing down information to the next generation and inspiring us. You have so much to share, and it is given so freely. What was once shared in the "village" is now online, for all to enjoy! Rhiannon

    1. Rhiannon, don't you laugh at me now...but...I am on Instagram. I just haven't worked out how to use it yet...ROFL! Maybe you could give me some tips! I'm glad that we oldies offer you young 'uns something! Yes the internet and blogging world is indeed the 'village' of the technological era. What a great observation. Love, Mimi xxx

    2. Me too. A friend persuaded me to join. Someone else told me it's good to make picture books from. Me, I just use it to post pictures to Facebook and Twitter when I'm not looking.

    3. Oh and... I've even worked out how to add my insta feed to my blog! That's easy too. Google "snap widget instagram" and it will talk you through a super simple process if that's of interest. You can have your insta pictures scrolling on the sidebar of the blog

  11. I loved reading this about you! You are absolutely right about making friends all over the world. I love hosting my linkie as it allows me to read regular posts from my favourite bloggers. It's awesome.

    Sally @ Life Loving

  12. I'm so happy to see that you're part of this series, too! My feature is this coming week and I hope you get a chance to stop by, Mimi.


I love hearing from you! I always respond to comments, so don't be shy! Mimi xxx