Recipes in four sentences

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

A Homespun Year...Easy Shabby Crepe Paper Roses...Video Tutorial...

Would you like to make my Shabby French Script hand dyed crepe paper roses?
These are super lush and lovely and look divine gathered en masse in a bowl, scattered over the tables at a wedding, used as a gift topper in place of a bow, and used as accents in a garland. I've used them as embellishments on Dreamcatchers, faux corsages, and Christmas Tree decorations. No two ever look the same, and the hand dyeing makes them look very special.
I talked about hand dyeing the white crepe paper when I made some pretty shabby chic gift tags a little while back. You can read about that, including instructions, here. The hand dyeing is well worth it for the little extra time it takes, as it really adds to the delicate result.
French script rubber stamps can be found on eBay and Etsy.
It may take you a couple of attempts to get the hang of the rolling/winding technique to form the roses, but if you bear in mind, that the result is meant to resemble a huge overblown Cabbage Rose, you'll get the gist.
Watch here....and enjoy!
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  1. That was so pretty and easy Mimi! Thanks so much for sharing. :)

    1. I'm glad you like it Pam. They are easy once you get the hang of them. Mimi xxx

  2. Replies
    1. That's a compliment in itself AnnMarie. Thanks for the pin! Mimi xxx

  3. Oh Mimi, I would love to make some of these. They are so soft elegant, and whimsical :)

    Thinking of you sweet friend. Love and hugs!

    1. Stephanie, it's always a joy to have you visit. I can just see you taking this idea and making it your own! Love, Mimi xxx

  4. So pretty, Mimi! My daughter loves vintage-style dresses, so something like this would be nice for her hair or in a corsage. Thank you!
    Blessings, Leigh

    1. Leigh, yes that could be so very pretty! Mimi xxx

  5. Dear Mimi, I love these. Great tutorial! So many uses... you can really fill the house with them, cover a present, a cake, as a gift... heavenly!
    Have a lovely weekend. And stay dry it sounds like more rain! Love

    1. Dear Annabel. I knew you'd like them. Not nearly as realistic as your beautiful paper roses, but pretty all the same. You have a good weekend too. More rain...sigh...good for the garden I guess! Love, Mimi xxx

  6. Very Pretty!Thanks for linking up to Merry Monday! Pinned! Have a great week!

  7. These are so soft and pretty. Great tutorial too. A little nicer than the roses we used to make in school. Thanks for sharing.


  8. Dear Mimi:
    What a beautiful rose you have made. It looks so soft and romantic. I am amazed. Thanks for sharing and linking.

    1. Yes, who would think it was that easy Bernideen :) Mimi xxx

  9. I am going to have to try these thanks to your great tutorial Mimi. I only hope we have streamers or crepe paper in our country town :)


  10. Dear Mimi:
    This wonderful post was featured today on my blog - congratulations!

  11. I would love to try these, Mimi! The roses are just beautiful and would make for a lovely decoration.

  12. These are beautiful! I love the Smilebox video too. Great post!


I love hearing from you! I always respond to comments, so don't be shy! Mimi xxx