Recipes in four sentences

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Do you crave peace and prettiness in your day?

Sometimes we need something 'just for me'.

We Mums do so much for others, that an escape is a necessity...even if only briefly.

I'm new to Facebook, but I see it has some wonderful potential for 'me time' behind the gossip and memes.

I can see that it can, as my friend Annabel told me some time ago, be a constant stream of loveliness.

That is my aim.

To give you a place where there is nothing but a constant stream of loveliness. A refuge from your day, much as I hope my blog is.

So for you, and for me, I've started Mimi's Tray of Bliss Closed Discussion Group. It's open to you as a follower or newcomer to A Tray of Bliss, and all you have to do, is go here and ask to join. Wait a little while...maybe mere minutes, or maybe a few hours if you're in the Northern Hemisphere and I'm sleeping...and you're done. A constant stream of loveliness, coming your way.

Please join me. I'd love to have you. The more, the merrier.



  1. Definately needed to pop in a few times today.

    Tonight I am thinking about 'window boxes' on the rails of the veranda so that I can grow some cottage style plants, roses and the like. After today I really need to be surrounded in loveliness.


  2. Mimi - I read your heading and immediately related. Such a luxury these days to have peace in your day. Often it is just the simplest of pleasures.

  3. Hi Mimi

    As my time out I like to colour in, this is a great way for me to distress. This is where my mind can escape and concentrate on the intricate patterns that need careful attention

    I am not on facebook nor do I intend to be but will continue following along here. I do hope that you can make some wonderful friendships through your discussion group.

    Aly xxx

  4. This is such a great post. :) I love flowers, peace, and relaxation. I definitely need to do it more often!

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!

  5. Thank you for the inspiration. I try to make both my home and my preschool classroom a beautiful haven for all who enter.


I love hearing from you! I always respond to comments, so don't be shy! Mimi xxx