Recipes in four sentences

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Remarried at the Eiffel Tower....

Back in 2006, our daughter asked us why she wasn't at our wedding.
That was easy enough to explain.
She of course, being the romantic she is, then wanted us to get married again so she COULD be there.
Well, we considered the whole renewal of vows thing, and even planned a little ceremony with close friends and family, but in the end it all seemed a bit...well...twee. That's an old fashioned word that means 'quaint'.
So when we planned a trip to Paris two short years later, the girl child insisted she be allowed to be the one to conduct the ceremony, in front of the Eiffel Tower.
Pink roses were acquired from a corner store....
...and daughter remarried us with the magic words 'do you take each other to be your awfully wedded people'. We Did. And Do.
Daughter acted as photographer too, as evidenced by the quality of these shots.
A magical moment for her.
And for us.
Sometimes it doesn't have to be perfect, to be special.


  1. A great memory for your family.

  2. I love being renewed. Keep calm and renew on. Paris shall always be special for you, hmmm??

    Much love,
    Kelley Dibble

  3. This is so charming, Mimi! You made a little girl's dream come true. I love it! Thanks for sharing and enjoy your day.


  4. How sweet and cute. Happy re-congratulations! :-)

  5. Thanks for stopping by Mimi, and I'm guilty of not visiting too! It's hard to keep up sometimes!

    What a sweet story, and the 'awfully wedded' cracked me up.

    Hope you have a great Holiday season, and I'll try to be better about visits ;).


  6. The photo of you and yours in front of the Eiffel Tower is very artistic. Looks very romantic too! So glad you could share that moment with your daughter. It must have been wonderful.

  7. Oh lol, that is the sweetest thing I ever heard, Mimi! It must have been a wonderful experience, and one you all will remember always :) Happy 2016! Hugs, Wen

  8. What a lovely heartwarming story!
    Happy healthy New Year


I love hearing from you! I always respond to comments, so don't be shy! Mimi xxx