Recipes in four sentences

Friday, December 18, 2015

Five Star Frou-Frou #32...A Simple Life...
Hello dear friends, and Merry Christmas!
This will be the last Five Star Frou-Frou for the year, as we will be celebrating with family and taking a well earned rest until mid January. So, I will be leaving this linkup here, open ended, for you to add to as often as you like, visiting friends and spreading good cheer, until we return.
Tell me you sometimes look at the homes of other bloggers, especially at this time of the year, and just feel overwhelmed? I know I do. I mean, I admire it and all, but not only do I not aspire to that sort of over the top décor, but it's not practical for a regular family. Or not my family at least!
I've been focusing on a simpler time this Christmas, as you would know if you've been following along on my Orchids on your Budget series. So in line with those thoughts, my features this week, really are all about simplicity.
Above we have another gorgeous post from Meg at My Vintage Life. Meg always strikes the right note between lavish and homespun, in much the same way that my good friend Annabel does over at The Bluebirds are Nesting. Funnily enough, Meg and Annabel live not far from one another! Check out Megs post and take note that her décor and festive decorations are simple, yet warm, welcoming and beautiful....
 Nellie at Nellies Cozy Place always humbles me with her Thankful Posts, and this one is no exception. She's sharing some of her past Christmas table settings, and they're all so elegant and well...doable, that I couldn't resist sharing them.
Entrance Blackboard wall, Home for Christmas Blog Hop - The Boondocks Blog
And finally, Mary at In the Boondocks, likewise shows us a sensible, earthy, family oriented Christmas décor that just oozes warmth and tranquility.
I want to thank you all for your support, love and good wishes this year. I am so appreciative, and wish you all a Blessed and Peaceful Christmas and a new year filled with love and surprises of the best kind....Mimi xxx


  1. Thank you so much for hosting this week, Mimi!

  2. Thank you Mimi for Five Star Frou Frou 32. Have a wonderful family time. Seasons Best Wishes.

  3. A Blessed and Merry Christmas to you also Mimi. I love your name Frou- Frou.
    Enjoy your break and time with your family. xo

  4. Mimi thank you so much for featuring my home tour! What a wonderful Christmas gift you have given me! My thanks to you for hosting! Merry Christmas!

  5. Thank you so much for hosting this terrific party each week! Merry Christmas!

  6. Thank you for hosting! Have a Merry Christmas. xx Jo

  7. Mimi, have a Very Merry Christmas! See you in 2016!!

  8. Hi Mimi,
    Hope this finds you doing well. Thank you so much for featuring my post, it is so appreciated hon. Hope you have a wonderful rest and celebration.......and
    Hope you and yours have a Lovely, Peaceful and Hopeful Christmas and New Year.
    With Love and blessings dear heart.
    Merry Christmas,

  9. Thank you Mimi for your kind thoughts about my's always a pleasure to link up. I hope you have a joyous Christmas xxxx

  10. Thanks for hosting again Mimi! Enjoy the weekend!

  11. Mimi, I hope you and your family have a very relaxing Christmas and enjoy just being together. I will have my grandchildren here so am looking forward to them arriving on Sunday. Hopefully it won't be too cold for them though as our hottest day of the week is only going to be 29C but I can cope with that kind of weather quite nicely :-)

  12. Thank you, Mimi, for all you've done to help promote us all by sharing your platform at this link party. May you have a blessed Christmas, and enjoy your time with family and friends.

  13. Thanks Mimi for hosting the fun party each week!! Lovely features. Wishing you a Merry Christmas.
    Julie xo

  14. Hi, Mimi! I couldn't find Mary's post at In the Boondocks. Could you share the link(s)? I LOVE her old book'oupaged trunk and have one that would look great refinished like it.

    Hugs and Merry Christmas,

  15. Thank you for hosting this link up Mimi. I have really enjoyed reading your blog and getting to know you this last year. Looking forward to hearing from you in the New Year. In the meantime, enjoy the special fellowship with loved ones! :)

  16. Thanks for hosting this party, Mimi; and I hope you have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  17. Dear Mimi,
    Thank you for all the link ups. It has been great and I have found many blogs to follow and lovely ideas.
    Have a wonderful Christmas with your family. And I am looking forward to your ideas and thoughts in 2016. with love, Annabel.xxxx

  18. Thanks for hosting once again, Mimi. Merry Christmas and all the best to you and your family!

    Blessings, Leigh

  19. Bonjour Mimi. Thanks for hosting this party. Today sharing with you Crystal Laden Tower for small chocolates and homemade Advent Calendar from different fairy tales done for my kids. Pleasant Advent Sunday and Merry and Bright Christmas. Hugs. M.

  20. Mimi I just love your 'happy' blog! So many beautiful and practical décor and treat idea's this past week! Hope to visit several: ) Blessings, Karen O

  21. Thanks for hosting Mimi! Merry Christmas!

  22. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas, Mimi!


I love hearing from you! I always respond to comments, so don't be shy! Mimi xxx