Recipes in four sentences

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Recipes in four sentences....Herby Cheese Spread (Boursin copy)...

Combine 250gms of Light Cream Cheese with 250gms Ricotta. Add half a small onion, grated, and 2 cloves of garlic, crushed. Finally, add two finely chopped sprigs fresh Dill, and a little salt and pepper and beat well. Serve on crackers, spread on toast or with fresh carrot sticks.


  1. Dear Mimi,
    We are mad on anything cheesy and anything dippy.... and Andy is mad on anything with chives or garlic... I could work with this! It sounds yum. Many thanks! Love

    1. Annabel, we adore the Boursin cheese. It comes in a little foil packet and it goes in an instant round here! This is such a good alternative and just as tasty, so I hope you and Andy like it. Love, Mimi xxx

  2. That reminds me that I need to make some Ricotta Cheese, Mimi. I also need to find my Dill seeds and plant them. Thanks for the reminder. I love the sound of this dip.

    1. Nanna Chel, I must try making my own. I believe it's very easy! Love, Mimi xxx

  3. This looks like a fabulous recipe Mimi! Thanks so much for sharing.

  4. Sounds absolutely delicious, my friend. Thanks for sharing with Roses of Inspiration. Hugs to you!


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