Recipes in four sentences

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Each day is a little life...I need a nook...

A reading nook is required here. Somewhere to snuggle in Winter and chill out in Summer.
I have the space, I have the books.
What I cannot decide is what sort of nook to have.
Example above doesn't really appeal, but I have that chair.
Example here doesn't really appeal either, but it's simple and I have the shelves.

The only thing I like about this one is... scratch that...I don't like anything about it.

Hmmm...the piccies in gold frames I have, although mine aren't of dogs, thank the stars. More boho-shabby chic-random in my case. As for that chair, well my Nanna would have liked it, but I'm not Nanna.
The quest for the right ingredients for my nook, continues.


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