Recipes in four sentences

Friday, October 26, 2012

Cook Seasonal and save!

Check these out...lush eh?

These are my strawberry iced tea Gluten Free Muffins.

So easy, just use my Basic Muffin Recipe, add those strawberries that have gone smooshy in the fridge, ice with icing sugar mixed with some Berry flavoured iced tea, and squiggle with some strawberry topping decanted into a squeezee bottle.

Too easy!

We waste very little here.

Smooshy fruit is always baked into muffins or slices. In fact I look for smooshy fruit at the greengrocer for that reason. Seasonal smooshy fruit can be got for mere pennies and also means you can eliminate or reduce the amount of sugar, butter and oils in your baked goods. Just replace some or all of the sugar and butter for a great guilt free baked treat.

Some of the best muffins and teabreads I've made have been laced with mashed up fruit, that many I know would have tossed in the bin. Now, don't be silly about it, rotten is rotten. But if it's just a bit soft and past it's best, then go for it.

In season here at the moment, remembering it's Spring in Australia, are berries of all kinds, guava, coconut, pineapple, mango, mangosteen, apples, mandarins and much more. If you can't find somewhere to squeeze some of that lot into your diet, then there's something wrong!

Look for your seasonal fruit guides on your local statutory body's website...everyone has one.

It's a great way to save big dollars on your food bill!


  1. Yum! These look delicious. I always end up throwing out overripe strawberries. Not anymore!

  2. That's the right spirit Abbey! Thanks for stopping by :)


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