Recipes in four sentences

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Homespun Things....Inspiration and Imitation...

You can have the good things in life for less, if you're even a wee bit creative.
I've certainly squeezed quite a bit of luxury out of a tiny budget of late.
Below is the inspiration for my Daughters Glampavan.
Pictured above is the components of our palette....inspired by, not identical. Who needs to follow things that slavishly!

Inspiration above, reality below...
Inspiration on Pinterest own jug, just done this morning here below...
Embroidered Llama jacket here...goodness...all of those French knots!
Our cheaty version using a store bought applique` and tassel trim below.

Here's the cake Daughter wanted for her 18th birthday earlier this year...

And here's my version...inspired by, but not an identical imitation...

I've lusted after a chintz bedspread since I was twenty years old. I particularly wanted this beautiful Spring-like colourway...

A random visit to a favourite charity shop last week yielded this beautiful duvet cover. King size, with fab tailored pillow slips, still with tags....$6!

Chanel ring? $2,900 if you please.
My ring...thrifted of course...$3.

Close enough for me!

Loving Dita Von Teese in her summery outfit here above.
I echoed the look with a gingham top, beads and sunglasses. I'm no Dita, but I can still endeavour to look my best. 

Speaking of gingham, I fell in love with these cute jam pots found on Pinterest.
My friend Annabel from The Bluebirds are Nesting, gifted me these lovely labels, so I made my own jam pots.

Gifting often means home baked goodies around here. I saw this rather plain idea also on Pinterest.
And swapped the waxed paper for foil, and some labels from Annabel, and ended up with this...

Stamped vintage floral sheets as gift ribbon....another Annabel idea...thanks Annabel!

Her powder puffs here...

...inspired mine, here...

A pic of a Laduree takeaway cup on Instagram..
...inspired my panne velvet and gold piped coffee cup cozies...

These gorgeous chocolates in a boutique...

...gave me the idea for my own custom wrapped chocolates. You can find these as a download here.
I was forever eyeing off lush French bedding...
….so I made some with simple purchased trims and scraps of fabric...
Granddaughter loved this sweet petit four so much when we visited a café...

...that she inspired me to bake, ice and decorate some for her...
Another pretty Annabel creation...a pile of cards to gift...

...gave me this idea...
...and her gorgeous tea towels motivated me to get stitching...those are a work in progress.
She also inspired me with these stunning wrapped soaps...
...I now make my own regularly as impromptu gifts...

See more of Annabels ideas here.
This stylish box of confectionery...$70 if you don't mind...
Made me feel good about gifting this huge box of honeycomb.
$5 thanks.

After all that inspiration and creation, I need a Chai Latte.
Homemade of course.
Would you expect anything less?
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  1. Wow Mimi, you are so creative as is our Annabel. I would love to have everything looking so pretty but not much chance of that here unfortunately. I will just have to take in all the prettiness on your blog.

    1. Thankyou Chel. You're pretty darned clever yourself. Honestly, presentation makes such a difference. Mimi xxx

  2. Hello Mimi, you are so creative, everything looks so beautiful. Sometimes it's the essence of the thing we want isn't it. I find it hard to keep the wants at bay sometimes. I am disappointed in myself today, I have just added up my July fgures and went way over budget in several areas. Back to cash in hand for me for a while. Clare

    1. Hi Clare. Yes you're right. It sometimes is 'the essence' of a thing that is so appealing. Finding that 'essence' is key to feeling you have a fruitful and fulfilling life I think. Don't be too disappointed. With experience, you'll get a better handle on what makes you happy. And I bet it's not the wants that are foisted upon us by retailers. Onward and upward

  3. You and Annabel are my gurus! Fi

    1. Thankyou Fiona. You are so sweet. Mimi xxx

  4. Oh this post is so full of goodness! Your daughter's van is cool; I've always wanted to travel like that in a cool van. I love your new $6 bed cover.... SCORE! Thanks for sharing all your beautiful creations.

    1. Dear Penpen, yes she is one lucky girl! I love the bed cover too. It's just so girly and pretty! Mimi xxx

  5. Such lovely pictures! I like all of your creations just as much as- and most of the time, MORE THAN- the expensive store-bought stuff. You and Annabel are certainly creative! And there's such a feeling of accomplishment when we're able to make such lovely gifts for a fraction of the cost. I hope you enjoyed that delicious looking chai latte, because you've certainly earned it!

    1. Dear Stephanie, what a kind and lovely thing to say. I love that feeling of accomplishment. That feeling of 'I made that' far exceeds anything that I'd hand money over for. Yes my chai latte was fab! Thankyou. Mimi xxx

  6. I love a good recap! I still have not made up the chocolate wrapping but plans are well underway. Recently I found a ream of about 90gsm buff paper in a local opportunity store. It was in a box labelled 'Hollywood Store' and the paper size is the old Quarto rather than A4 which was in use many years ago in Australia and a lot more recently in the US. Anyway, even though it's only paper, I feel like I have a little piece of Hollywood glamour in my This will be the used for the chocolate wrapper printing to go on. I do hope you are not holding your breath waiting for me to get to that bit but I promise you I will. As we all know Christmas is coming and you have inspired me to create wrapping for the chocolate I am going to gift this year. One year, I found over a period of months, some lovely little bottles that I filled with your home made limoncello recipe. It was very well received and fun create as well so I promise you I do complete the task. Love Janiebabe x

    1. Janie, this paper sounds divine! I love the possibilities in such a simple thing. My brain just goes into overdrive! Christmas is coming for sure, and it will be upon us before we know it. Time to get cracking! I'm glad the Limocello was enjoyed. Such a fun and easy thing for such a great result. Mimi xxx

  7. Great post Mimi,
    Love what youve done with the glampervan and looking good in gingham and beads.
    My mum used to say imitation is the si cerest form of flattery, and it does inspire us to see all your wonderful work, just letting you know we appreciate your blog enormously and it makes me look at the everyday things with an eye to make them beautiful, thankyou
    Cheers, Bevo xx

    1. Dear Bevo, thanks so much. The Glampavan was a very rewarding project and really, not difficult at all. I'm really touched that my blog brings a smile to your face. Thankyou. Mimi xxx

  8. This is why I Love your blog!! You and Annabel inspire us all to be more creative ! Thank you both for the inspiring posts!!! Happy crafting!

    1. Thankyou so much Gaila! You all inspire me to do more and be better. Mimi xxx

  9. Mimi. from you I have learned that a simple gift, beautifully presented, looks very lavish. I like to give gifts that are practical and more than a single use item. I recently wrapped a kitchen gift in a tea towel using the Japanese wrapping method. Starts with 'f' but everytime I try to write it it looks like I am swearing. Oops. The parcel looked fabulous and was a bit of a pass the parcel unwrap. It was a simple useful gift, well wrapped and well received.

    1. Jane, I am so pleased. That really is a valuable lesson for us all I think. When you see the price of the simplest things, packaged beautifully, it really spurs you on. I think you mean Furoshiki? I laughed at the looking like you're! Well done you, Jane. Love, Mimi xxx

  10. Mimi, I haven't posted in a really long time but the clamping van and the bed sheets and spread I'm so envious of !! Did you just find the material for the bed spread and sheets or did you make them ? We must all continue to pray for rain the worst drought in Australia in 120 years. They need steady soaking rain ! Love sonia

    1. Hi Sonia. How lovely to see you! The first pic is the inspiration we found on Pinterest. The second one is Daughters Glampavan. Everything was thrifted or from the remnant bin. I made the gigantic turquoise elephant print cushions (and how much do you love that print!!), and even made the tassels myself. The bolster, fur throw, curtains and blankets all came from my fabric stash or the remnant bin and charity shop (washed in my home made wool wash and dried in the sunshine of course), and the sheets and quilt cover were the only new items...from IKEA. The whole project worked out at under $100 and a few hours of our time. Lots of fun and such a great result! Yes our drought situation is heartbreaking. Praying hard for rain here too. I hope you are well. Love, Mimi xxx


I love hearing from you! I always respond to comments, so don't be shy! Mimi xxx