Recipes in four sentences

Monday, January 28, 2013

The Teen Queen Celebration....

Yes, it's happened.

The Diva, only girl child in a family of five, has become a teenager.

Unfortunately, a sadness surrounded our celebrations as we farewelled a much loved grandparent just a day or two before.

So how do you 'celebrate' when you don't feel like celebrating?

Well, this sublime cake in The Divas' favourite colour, helped. It was on my to-do list to make one myself, as has always been my habit, but this was beyond me in the midst of preparations for sadder occasions.

A local lady who charges little for her beautiful work was sourced, and with just 48 hours notice, she was able to produce this pretty-as-a-picture gluten free Red Velvet cake, to put a smile on any 13 year old girls face.

Orange themed party favours were assembled....

....with more orange themed food such as BBQ flavoured chips, Sunny Boy frozen Orange pyramids (a classic here in Australia), and Fanta ice cream spiders being enjoyed by all.

A disco ball outside on the deck,

...and Thrift Shop (clean radio edit version) on the iPod, and a fun time was had by all.

Life goes on.

We spent little, preferring to show The Diva, that celebrations can be had, without the hysteria surrounding the competitive birthday party culture abounding these days.

She had a ball, and so did her friends. It's the little things that make memories, not the big money.

Until next time...Mama Guardian x

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