Sometimes the Rich Tapestry of Life is just a bit too rich for me. Like a meal of a creamy bisque, a pork belly roast, and a crème brulee`, it sort of sits in the stomach and weighs you down. Let's face it, sometimes we all wish the Rich Tapestry of Life would nick off and enrich someone elses life, right?
It's times like these, that I guess many folk suffer with depression and anxiety. Heck, I know I've felt depressed and anxious on many occasions in recent years. But I'd fall short of describing myself as Depressed or Anxious in a clinical sense. If I thought that were an issue, I wouldn't hesitate to visit my friendly GP for some advice.
We're just talking regular run-of-the-mill stuff, where life just throws you a few curve balls in a row. And dang those curve balls smart if they hit you! I've had a few of those nasties leave a welt on my psyche lately!
But here's what I like to do.
I go for long walks in the sunshine.
I eat well, and include fruit, veges, fibre and lots of water in my diet.
I keep hands and mind busy and occupied, usually by baking or sewing or embroidering or indulging in any one of a number of crafts.
I switch the TV off and avoid social media.
I plant flowers in my garden or in pots.
I pick lavender from my garden and put it in vases and on my pillow.
I use lots of positive self-talk, and remove myself from the company of negative or critical people.
I give myself a manicure.
I pat my dog.
I visit my son who has the disability of Cerebral Palsy and who is always upbeat and cheerful, not matter what.
I ring my sister.
I have coffee with a friend.
I look at old photos and remind myself that life is good.
I revisit an old favourite embroidery book and pick up my fanciwork.
I prepare for Christmas and other celebrations and remind myself that there is much to look forward to.
And I definitely tell the Rich Tapestry of Life to nick off and enrich someone elses life. Actually what I say is a lot more colourful, and not usually part of a ladies vocabulary.
But it does get rid of some of that angst!
What are your strategies for coping with too much of the Rich Tapestry of Life?
I might be able to use some of them!